Hi, I’m Peter! I’m an ‘84 baby, corn-fed Midwesterner, former teacher, corporate millennial, accidental social media influencer, certified NLP Practitioner (Neuro Linguistic Programming), and now…your Millennial Mindset Mentor! I have many parts to my identity, but at the end of the day, I’m just like you. An everyday millennial who just so happened to hit the brick wall of burnout REAL hard, and decided to share my healing journey with the world.
I started my career RIGHT at the time of the 2008 Great Recession with a passion for making a difference in the world as an elementary school teacher. After burning out as a teacher, I made the switch from classroom to corporate. It was there, in my young 30s, where I got addicted to stress and hustle culture. I wanted to climb that corporate ladder and live the American Dream.
Fast forward to 2020, and wouldn’t you know it! Another unprecedented historical event to knock me right back down again (Chumbawamba really did sing it best). But it was at that time where my eyes really began to open. I had spent so much of my life fighting for these goals, but the goal posts just kept getting moved. What was I doing with my life, and how in the world was I going to keep going on this human hamster wheel for the next 30 years?!
By this time, my identity WAS the job title. Work was my life. When someone would ask me what my hobbies were, I immediately had a mini anxiety attack. I realized that I had completely lost touch with myself. As someone that had always strived to have purpose in my life, I felt like I had none.
So in January of 2022, I decided to take a leap of faith, and take a break from my full-time position to focus on myself, reassess, and try to figure out what the heck I wanted to do with the rest of my life! The first few months were a battle royale of my mind vs. my body. My body just wanted to take a few weeks to just simply rest, but my mind wouldn’t let me. It would say things like “rest is lazy” and “if you don’t do something productive TODAY, then you’ll be poor and homeless tomorrow”.
With a background in education and several years of neuropsychology research in my back pocket, I knew this was going to take more than just yoga and meditation alone. I knew that before I could move into whatever the next chapter of my life was, I had to do some serious reparenting and reprogramming of myself.
As part of my own healing journey, and wanting to invest in myself, I decided to get my official certification as an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner. I had been exposed to NLP earlier in my career, and it helped me tremendously as a way to challenge some of those limiting subconscious beliefs that kept me stuck, so I decided to dive a bit deeper into it. It was during this time of investing in my personal growth that I also discovered other tools that helped me understand myself better, like Human Design.
I started putting into practice some of the specific techniques and insights into my own healing journey to overcome burnout. It was like a totally new and refreshing framework to view my life through, and allowed me to truly understand myself and my mind for the first time in a long time. As terrified as I was to put myself out there, I couldn’t help but to share this with others. So in June of 2022, I got on TikTok and Instagram. All of those subconscious beliefs that I thought I had started to work through came back up to the surface, but I did it anyways because I knew that this would be the perfect experiment to begin to challenge those narratives.
I started sharing my own journey, my own insights, and educating others. After a few videos went viral, I quickly realized that it was not just me experiencing this millennial struggle. Millions of others on social media were starting to prove what the research says. That millennials are experiencing burnout more and faster than any other generation (44% report feeling stressed out all of the time according to Deloitte survey and that was in 2020).
It was because of my audience and followers that I am where I am today…with a mission to support every single other one of my millennial burnout besties that’s tired of being tired, and ready to do things differently. Do I still feel burnt out from time to time? 1000%!! I’m still human, afterall. It’s just that today, I have SO much more awareness around my emotions and well-being that I’m able to actually take care of myself before it becomes a huge problem, rather than stuffing it all down like I did before.
I’m not a therapist. I’m not a doctor. I’m still a teacher at heart. Today, however, my classroom looks a little different. Today, my passion and purpose is to create a sense of belonging and community and teach millennials how to understand the inner workings of your brain and mind so that you can become empowered to GO UNSTUCK YOURSELF!